It’s the middle of
summer.There’re loads of work on the farm.Most of my time is spent on
irrigating our land.Because of that, I hardly have time for anything
else.Today’s post got nothing to do with embroidery but it’s related to my
latest project which I’m planning to
show in my next post.
I live in rural
India.For someone who had lived in a city almost all my life, this place is
paradise.This is where the heaven meets earth.The quiet countryside, green
fields and slow-paced life.But above all, this is the land where peacocks roam
When we first moved
here a few years ago, we came across a peahen and her eggs in our backyard.We
tried to protect the peahen and waited eagerly for the eggs to hatch.One early
morning, I woke up to a commotion outside our house.It was the peahen, making
quite a noise.Venturing outside, I witnessed a scene that devastated me. Our
dogs managed to trace the newly-hatched eggs and killed all the chicks.The
peahen was on top of a tree, watching helplessly at her dead chicks.She made
quite a noise the whole day as though mourning the death of her babies.Peacocks
and peahens live in groups and are very protective of each other.They overly
protect their offspring.When in danger, they can fly really high but the
peachicks aren’t so lucky.They are easy preys to predators.Over the years, I,ve
seen many peacocks in my backyard.Sadly, their number is dwindling.

These are young peahen and peacock.Peahens are
considered dull-looking compared to peacocks but still there’s something about
them that distinguish them from other birds.They’ve metallic green bodies.
This peacock used to make our backyard its
permanent home.My son christened him, ‘Rhaimy’.Normally peacocks are very
scared of humans but when I was about to take this photo, it was like Rhaimy
was posing for me and as though he was saying, “Hey, take my picture and show
the world how handsome I am!” I felt like a National Geographic
photographer.Since we used to see each other often, Rhaimy knew that I wouldn’t
harm him and there was an understanding between us.Peacocks love water so it
was quite common to see him when I was irrigating my land.He would accompany me
from a distance, perching on the compound wall.When he was around, I felt safe
beacause peacocks kill and eat snakes.So I knew I was out of danger.Sadly,
Rhaimy went missing a few months after this photo was taken.
This is another shot of Rhaimy.
Nowadays, this peacock could be seen around.He’s
still young-that’s why the tail is shorter.We assume that he’s Rhaimy’s son
thus calling him Rhaimy Jr.
This is the most recent photo of Rhaimy Jr.Look
at the tail-it has grown (picture taken in the evening).
I miss Rhaimy’s presence this year but Rhaimy
Jr. is around most of the time.Last week, I saw Rhaimy Jr.’s dance for the
first time, exactly at the same spot where his ‘father’ used to dance.I‘ve
pictures of Rhaimy Sr.’s dance but that will be for another post.
I consider my son lucky because he has so much
of space to play,cycle or explore the nature.When he was running freely on the
green field, it reminded me of a T.V. series that I used to watch 30 years ago.It
was titled “The Little House On The Prairie” which was based on a true story that
chronicled the life of a little girl, Laura Inggals (played by Melissa
Gilbert), who lived with her family on the Canadian Prairie (if I’m not
mistaken).They were poor but lived with honesty and dignity.Such T.V. programs
are rare these days.
Living on paradise comes with a price-you’ve to
work really hard from dawn to dusk.But the great thing is, at the end of the
day, you’ll be too tired to think of anything else and sleep comes naturally-
no sleeping pills, no prescription medicines.The next morning, you’re up again
to the crow of cock to start another day.No matter how hard life is, there’s
nowhere else that I would rather be than this place I call home….sweet home.