Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Flower stitches 4 & 5 variations

Today, you’re going to see a few variations of flower stitches 4 & 5 which tutorials I had shown in my previous posts.

If you work french knot at the tip of each petal, then the result is this pistil stitch flower.

This stitch can also produce a beautiful beaded flower.Make sure to hold each bead at the tip with a straight stitch to prevent it from sliding down or you can work lazy daisy stitch like what I’d done here though it’s a bit tedious.

Slanting petals beaded flower.

This is my favourite.Work lazy daisy stitches at the tips and pull the thread a bit for that pointed look.


Friday, November 20, 2015

Button kamal kadai

My initial plan today is to show you some of the variations to the flower stitches that I’d shown in previous posts.But, I’m postponing that to another date because I want to show you how you can work kamal kadai stitch on a button.Most of you must be aware of kamal kadai which is a flower embroidered using weaving technique.To those of you who love to use buttons to decorate your dresses, cushions etc., this is a variation you should try.The petals shouldn’t cover the whole button because we want some parts of the button to show through.

For this, you’ll need a button which has 4 holes (I’m using a 2cm diameter button).This can also be done on a 2-holed button by working the petals on either sides so that it’ll look like a chinese button.Draw the outline of the button on a piece of paper and mark the dots for the straight stitches.Fold the paper into 4 and poke holes on it so that you’ll have equally positioned holes for the 4 petals.Transfer the dots onto a fabric, position the button in the middle and sew it with normal sewing thread.Work straight stitches as shown.The threads shouldn't be loose.As much as possible,make sure the threads at the base don’t overlap each other.For this, the button holes shouldn’t be too small.

Cut off the sewing thread in the middle.Bring the needle and thread up at one of the holes and start weaving from right to left, continuing from left to right and weave all the way from base to the tip of the petal.

Continue for the other petals.

(Attn : most of the tutorials in this blog are my own creations.So, please don’t try to copy and show them in your blog, youtube etc.You can show the finished work but please link it back to my website.)

Friday, June 26, 2015

Flower Stitch 5

As promised many months ago, here’s the tutorial for another flower stitch which is the variation to Flower Stitch 4.I’m sorry I didn’t publish this post earlier.Nowadays I’m drifting far away from the internet because I rather spend more time working outdoor.But, I love blogging and I’ve so much to share with you that I decided to post once in a while when I’m free.
The difference between this stitch and Flower Stitch 4 is that the petals of this flower slant to the right but the stitching is almost the same as the previous one.

Divide a 3cm diameter circle into 16.Bring up the needle at a point about two-thirds the radius of the circle, between OA and OB.O is the midpoint, which I forgot to label here.Enter at O, take a small stitch pointing towards B (about one-third radius), wrap the thread under the needle and pull through.

Go in at B.Come up between OB and OC(two-thirds radius) and pull the previously made stitch to the left.

Go down at O, take a small stitch, pointing towards C, wrap the thread under the needle and pull through.

Go in at C and continue the process.
 Now, you’ll get an idea on  how it’s done.
For the last stitch,take a small stitch, pointing towards A, wrap the thread under the needle, slide the needle under the very first stitch and go down at A.

This is how the flower looks like.

The comparison between the two flowers.My favourite is the one on the right.I’m in the process of preparing mirror/shisha tutorials for these two stitches.In my next post, I’ll show you some examples of flowers that you can create out of these stitches.