Thursday, December 22, 2011

Side-view carnation

Please follow these instructions to embroider a carnation, seen from the side.The thread used is pearl cotton no:8.

This flower design is my own creation.You are not allowed to copy the tutorial and produce it as your own whether on print or electronic media, on your blog or youtube channels.You are allowed to show the finished work but please link back to this page for the tutorial.

Embroider a serrated-edged (zig-zag) buttonhole/blanket stitch petal as shown.

Work 2 more layers of zig-zag stitches (total 3 layers).

With 2 strands of thread, work buttonhole knots on the 3 layers.

Gather the buttonhole/blanket stitch petal and embroider satin stitch, done from top to bottom to form a calyx.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Buttonhole-knot carnation

Everytime I tried to embroider a carnation, it would end up looking like a rose.So, after a few trials and errors, I came up with the method shown below.

This flower design is my own creation.You are not allowed to copy the tutorial and produce it as your own whether on print or electronic media, on your blog or youtube channels.You are allowed to show the finished work but please link back to this page for the tutorial.

In a circle, draw a spiralling line from the center to the top.Work zig-zag/serrated stitches on the line.

Fill the stitches with buttonhole knots starting from the center to the top.This is how the flower looks like.Since this is done with the 6-strand thread, the petals look too thick for a carnation.Satisfied with this method, I proceeded to try this with pearl cotton no:8 thread.

This is the result.The circle is 2.5cm in diameter.2 strands were used for the buttonhole knots.The spiral line should be made closer compared to the one using the 6-strand thread (more layers).For easy stitching, push down the petals done in the previous line so that the zig-zag stitches could be seen.
In my next post, I will show you how to embroider a carnation, seen from the side.